Jason Momoa Is Drax The Destroyer in Guardians Of The Galaxy

jason momoaUpdate: The Hollywood Reporter confirm Jason Momoa hasn't been offered the part quite yet, writing on Twitter;
"Clarity Alert: My sources are telling me Jason Momoa TESTED for Drax the Destroyer/GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY but at this time has NO offer."
We'll update more as it comes through. ORIGINAL STORY FOLLOWS Just hours after breaking the admittedly expected news that Harrison Ford is returning for Star Wars: Episode VII, Latino Review are back with another major casting scope concerning a Disney subsidiary. They say Jason Mamoa, best known for his lead role in the recent Conan the Barbarian reboot and for playing Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones has landed the role of Drax the Destroyer in Marvel Studios' epically ambitious Guardians of the Galaxy. LR claim Momoa "flew out to London to screen test on Wednesday" along with fellow actors Isaiah Mustafa (from the Old Spice commercials), Brian Patrick Wade (The Guardian, and some fans may remember him as Kurt from The Big Bang Theory) and former WWE superstar Dave Bautista. Moma, the biggest movie star of the lot, seems to have won the role after impressing with his screen test and "negotiations are ongoing" after Marvel offered him the gig. An official announcement is expected by Marvel Studios and Disney once he has signed the contract, baring any hitches. Director James Gunn is currently a week into pre-production on the Marvel space drama which currently has only Chris Pratt cast, playing the role of Star-Lord. The movie is due August 1st, 2014. Casting is on-going.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.