Jason Segel: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

1. Nick Andopolis - Freaks & Geeks (1999-2000)

So here's what is still perhaps Jason Segel's best and definitely most defining role - the one that has pretty much carried him through to the success that he's experienced today, and has set the sort of archetype for the kinds of characters that he continues to play. As Nick Andopolis, Segel inhabited one of the "geeks" of the title - and though he wasn't exactly the main character, his performance allowed us to constantly resonate and emphasise with the situation of said geeks. The reason we're ranking this as the best Jason Segel performance, then, stems from the fact that it really feels like the most casual and fresh out of all of his roles - playing this good-natured, mild-mannered character with a cool sense of humour feels inherently Segel, but there was a darker comic edge working beneath the surface that made the character more than just a "geek" - Nick Andopolis felt like a person. And the fact that Segel was less confident an actor felt "real." And now on to the roles he didn't exactly soar in...

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