Jason Segel: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

And 5 Performances That Sucked...

5. Jason - This Is 40 (2012)

Few actors can claim to have achieved the somewhat inauspicious accolade of being voted onto both sides of this divide for the same character, but such is the case thanks to the second appearance of the imaginatively named Jason. Having played the most diverting of Seth Rogen's slacker friends in Knocked Up, he was brought in for some familiarity in the absence of his former porn-hunting cohort. The problem for Jason though is that he is written horribly in a mean-spirited movie that should have been considerably better than it was. Though there were some fine moments the comedy fell flat for the most part, and it didn't help that everything that made Jason appealing first time out had been utterly sterilised. Yes, it was interesting for about a minute to see his development from cocky ne'er-do-well to insufferable personal trainer, but it didn't fit what we'd known and grown to love about the character in the first place. He was endearing because he was a failure, and didn't seem to care, but to have him evolve into a Starbucks generation douche-bag without comedy to fall back on was too much. He should only ever have pretended he could get whatever he wanted, and never actually been allowed to achieve it.

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