Jaws Vs. Deep Blue Sea: A Shark Showdown

4. The Deaths

url-15 What shark film is complete without deaths? Even the heartrending Open Water had them at the very end, but they were hard worked and breathtakingly tragic, whereas most shark films just stack the body count higher than an average movie shark€™s cholesterol count. Jaws is no different. Right off the bat Christie becomes a naked legend, the likes of which wasn€™t met until Slasher films made a habit of killing off raunchy campfire teens and Leslie Neilsen appeared in Scary movie 4. After that we are treated to a kid getting chowed down on and several other gruesome kills, including many famous blood spurts and a sinking severed leg. Not bad for a PG in the 70s. Deep Blue Sea follows in the guts galore traditions of things. We are treated to a lot more on screen deaths to match Deep Blue Sea€™s higher level of brutality and action. There€™s lots of blood, lots of tolerable CGI bodies being munched up and plenty of exploding sharks. One particular, harrowing scene involves Dr Jim underwater on a stretcher, pressed against slowly cracking glass while the main characters view from the other side, realising the true extent of the sharks€™ intelligence. It makes for a grim scene, separate to the rest. So, finally, Deep Blue Sea makes its way onto the scoreboard for its pretty disturbing gore and for that one shocking shot of poor Jim€™s terrified face. Total: Jaws (3) Deep Blue Sea (1)
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.