Jaws Vs. Deep Blue Sea: A Shark Showdown

5. The Plot

deep-blue-sea-3 Jaws practically invented the modern blockbuster, so it would be unfitting to say its plotline matched that of a typical blockbuster - technically, a typical blockbuster matches the plotline of Jaws. Everything is there, from the caring, heroic everyman to the epic action sequences, dabbled with clever little lines of dialogue. It€™s the formula you never get bored of, one that was set in place by the film that to this day handled it the best. Meddling with science and nature is a sure fire path to something going wrong and teaching you the wrongs. So going against ethical codes and bumping up the brain power of a shark to illegally abnormal levels has got to cause a large scale of retribution, right? Deep Blue Sea cleverly toys with our perceptions of medical testing going wrong vs. the need to help those people whom such medical testing would most benefit. Its nature vs. science in full swing, but nature does seem to really kick Science€™s ass. The constant frantic struggle for survival that the characters face throughout the film is a signal enough of this. Deep Blue Sea€™s underlying messages of the extents of animal testing is enough to sell it for me. While Jaws may have set the benchmark, it€™s the added layers which give Deep Blue Sea a far more meaningful story. Total: Jaws (3) Deep Blue Sea: (2)
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.