Jaws Vs. Deep Blue Sea: A Shark Showdown

7. The Epic Speech

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nrvMNf-HEg This one really comes down to one stand out moment in each film. Representing Jaws is Quint who, after Hooper notices a tattoo of his, recollects the harrowing events of the ill-fated Indianapolis, a navy ship that was hit by a U-boat, leaving the survivors stranded in tiger shark infested waters. Quint recalls in vivid, gruesome detail how people were picked off - including a friend he finds in the water with only his top half remaining. This is the only real time Quint shows any true emotion, right from the pained look on his face as he reveals the nature of the tattoo down to his macabre tone right through the tale. Similarly, Mr. Corporate Executive has a survival story to tell. When anarchy breaks out amongst the survivors, Russell recounts the events that took place after he and several others became trapped under an avalanche. There was a lot of build up to this, as these events were subtly referenced several times earlier in the film. He compares ice to a monster that "knows it killed the world once, has a taste for murder" - some immense words from a relatively one-dimensional character. He then admits that his group killed two survivors whilst arguing about their situation, and blamed the snow for it. These truly shocking, powerful words still manage to come from nowhere at one of the bleakest points of the film, made all the more shocking by the sudden death of the character in mid-speech, really hitting home his final words. Call me a Samuel L. Jackson fanboy, but I€™m going to have to go with Deep Blue on this one. Both were traumatic, heavy hitting and tough and rewarding to watch, but Russell€™s speech turns the group back into one. After his death shatters it again, the survivors withstand and move on - in no small part to his epic speech. Total: Jaws (4) Deep Blue Sea (3)
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.