John Carpenter's Films - Ranked From Worst To Best
18. Ghost Of Mars (2001)

Pros: Jason Statham is in it. Lots of decapitations. Practical effects over CGI
Cons: The special effects are just awful.The dialogue and acting are pretty terrible. Resulted in a 9 year break from Hollywood for Carpenter
Overall: What can you say about Ghost From Mars? Originally conceived as another in the Snake Plissken series (Escape From Mars/Earth, or so the story goes), this is a campy, ill-judged and deeply confusing film. It was savaged by critics and bombed at the box-office, grossing $14 million against a $28 million budget.
Carpenter and the cast have expressed their disappointment with the film and Carpenter was so burnt out afterwards that he didn't make another film for nine years, instead deciding to sit at home and watch basketball while cashing-in those remake royalty cheques. What a dude. What an absolute dude.