John Wick 4: Everything We Know So Far

3. What’s It About?

John Wick 3 Keanu Reeves
Summit Entertainment

Plot details are unofficial, but considering the ending of Chapter 3, it’s likely that we’ll explore the idea of John being indefinitely on the run with even higher stakes.

The last time we saw John, he was beaten and bloodied waging war against the High Table with the Bowery King. As both Winston and the Adjudicator are unconvinced of John's death, it’s likely an even faster pace chase will ensue against him as he emerges from the shadows again.

The lore of the John Wick universe keeps expanding, as along with the High Table we now have the Director and the Elder to reckon with too. Expect to see more of John’s origins with he Director to be explored, as well as brand new wacky organisations out for blood.

Not to mention that car John has been waiting to be fixed up since the start of Chapter 2. That has to come back at some point.


Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.