Joker Origin Movie: 10 Reasons Fans Should Be Worried

8. Too Many Jokers In The Pack

The Joker Smile
Warner Bros.

Setting the Joker film outside of the mainline DC Extended Universe is an approach that has merit considering how most of the movies in the shared cinematic world has fared, but it comes with the risk of alienation.

With Jared Leto's Clown Prince still at large in the DCEU, newcomers to these films may struggle to comprehend how the origin story fits into the bigger picture, and will be left scratching their heads once they realise it doesn't connect at all.

And it isn't just casual moviegoers Warner could alienate. Leto has a right to be miffed that they're pursuing other cinematic Joker projects during his tenure as the character.

Some might interpret the decision to pursue standalone movies as a lack of studio faith in the DCEU and its crop of characters, and they might be right.

The Joker solo outing is something that should have been considered after the shared cinematic universe has run its course, which may not be too far away, if the rumours are to be believed.

That way, the DC film slate would be less convoluted and actors wouldn't have to suffer the indignity of seeing their current job being advertised as available.

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