Joker Origin Movie: 10 Reasons Fans Should Be Worried

7. It Will Divide The Fanbase

The Joker Smile
DC Comics

Nobody can blame DC Extended Universe fans from wanting their movies to be set, well, in the DC Extended Universe.

Movies within the shared celluloid world that aren't called Wonder Woman may have divided critics, but they pulled in millions at the box office and have their share of vociferous supporters. Suicide Squad's poor reception even inspired a petition to have Rotten Tomatoes shut down.

So clearly there are DC film fans out there, lots of 'em, and Warner's decision to set the Joker film outside of the mainline DCEU will split them straight down the middle.

Those who loved Suicide Squad enough to wage war on film journalism will be miffed the movie isn't a prequel featuring Jared Leto's version of the Clown Prince, while anyone who wanted a clean break from the DCEU will welcome the project.

The Joker film has already been met with a mixed reaction, with some fans delighted Mister J is getting his own film and others apprehensive about his potential dilution.

The phrase 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' springs to mind.

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