Josh Brolin: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Cory Webster - Thrashin' (1986)


Thrashin' is probably a contender for the most '80s movie of all time, pushing aside Top Gun and even Flashdance with almost casually indifferent ease. Battle lines are being drawn and the fate of the world hangs in the balance... oh wait, no, it's about skateboarding. Two rival teams with stunningly macho names - 'The Daggers' and the far less glamorous sounding 'The Ramp Locals' - are in constant competition because of their contrasting social backgrounds. Basically, we're looking at a very loose adaptation of Romeo and Juliet with neon clothing and elbow pads. Leading 'The Ramp Locals' is Cory Webster (Brolin,) who has a crush on his rival's sister, which naturally just isn't going to fly. It's a classic story of adversity being overcome thanks to the all-conquering power of love and skateboards, all set against typically '80s montages. Although The Board Sport industry continues to describe this film as "legendary," there are other, far more appropriate labels for it, as well. It is incredibly saccharine, to the point that it's almost impossible to watch, unless you're embracing the ironic nostalgic feel, or playing some sort of drinking game. The only thinly positive thing that can be said of Brolin's association with the film is that he went on to become something an awful lot greater - he occasionally channels the earnest appeal of his first role, as Brandon in The Goonies, but the ridiculous context of the character, and the complete lack of development that doesn't relate directly to skateboarding is somewhat fatal. What do you think of Josh Brolin? Are you excited to see him in Spike Lee's Oldboy remake? Whether you agree or disagree with my choices let us know in the comments section below.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson