Julianne Moore: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Lila Crane €“ Psycho

Nobody came out of Gus Van Sant's 1998 remake of the Hitchcock classic unscathed, but with the film focusing a lot on Vince Vaughn and Julianne Moore, we have to focus on Moore's performance here. We're sure you know the story, but here goes: Marion Crane (Anne Heche) steals $400,000 from her employer and goes on the run, resulting in her fatal stay at the Bates Motel run by Norman Bates (Vince Vaughn) and his mother. Lila Crane, Marion's sister, goes to search for her but finds something a lot more sinister is going on. The main issue with Moore's performance is how she interprets the character of Lila as much more aggressive, manipulative and neurotic than she was in the original. This is all well and good in a normal remake, but considering everyone else is forging ahead with the original's old-fashioned speech rhythms and patterns, Moore's more modern and stylish approach to the dialogue was like a digital elephant in an analog room. Needless to say, it's distracting. Moore's heart really doesn't seem into the role, which is a shame because she fits the character really well. Maybe she just understood it was going to flop majorly and put in a sub-par performance as a result. Sometimes, the classics should just stay untouched.

3rd Year Film and Television Production student at Edge Hill University. Writer of "Stockton's Last Stand" and screenwriter/director of "Hunted" and "Spyfail 2: The Search for Spyfail 1". I also do stand-up comedy sometimes... I'm told I'm marginally funny.