Julianne Moore: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Maude Lebowski €“ The Big Lebowski

Julianne Moore has a relatively small role in this Coen Brothers classic, but she makes such a lasting impact during his short screen time that it had to top the list. The Big Lebowski, as I'm sure you know, deals with a slacker bowler called The Dude who gets mixed up with a millionaire also called Lebowski and tries to gain remuneration for his ruined rug with the help of his other bowling friends. Moore plays an avant-garde artist named Maude, whose work has been described as "strongly vaginal." She's a sleazy character masquerading as someone with culture and intelligence who obviously got to where she is by sleeping around. It's another example of Moore playing a great manipulative character, because here she sleeps with The Dude solely to have a child, knowing that the Dude probably won't hang around. It's a smart ploy from Maude but she doesn't bank on him being as intelligent as he is. Moore's hilarious in the role and has great fun parodying the "above it all" hipster-type artist who sprouts phrases they don't really understand or care about. Click "next" for 5 performances that sucked...

3rd Year Film and Television Production student at Edge Hill University. Writer of "Stockton's Last Stand" and screenwriter/director of "Hunted" and "Spyfail 2: The Search for Spyfail 1". I also do stand-up comedy sometimes... I'm told I'm marginally funny.