Jupiter Ascending: 8 Things You May Have Missed

7. Terry Gilliam's Cameo

If the 27b/6 nod was a little too obscure, the whole bureaucracy sequence ends with an extended cameo from Brazil's director himself, Terry Gilliam. The former-Python hams it up in the exact way you'd expect from his previous acting appearances (he was the most gurning member of the Spanish Inquisition, after all) as the final line between Jupiter and her title. It's not quite the "vital" role trumpeted by the initial reports of his casting, but at least his scene introduces that royal seal that's kinda, sorta, not really important. Quite what purpose the cameo adds to the film isn't immediately clear. The whole Brazil-inspired section was tonally out of kilter for an already tonally schizophrenic movie, so maybe it was just a way for the siblings to honour one of their clear idols. Still, it's quite an obscure reference given the target audience of the film - Monty Python is perennially popular, but Gilliam was always the least front-and-centre member.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.