Jupiter Ascending: 8 Things You May Have Missed

6. The Playboy Spaceship

Visually Jupiter Ascending is so impressive it almost makes the statement that the film was delayed just to give time to refine effects seem plausible. The CGI, particularly when a human has been composited into a fast moving computer world, is deceptively real and the (often digitally augmented) physical sets feel genuinely expansive. Overall, it's a testament to those in charge of the various visual effects departments, but most importantly the concept artists. Sure, their designs are more based on independent ideas than any cohesive, universal style, but still, credit it's where it's due. One of the smartest, and certainly most effective, designs is of Titus' ship, which has wooden decor and classical designs very akin to the Playboy mansion, aiding the unease in Douglas Booth's character's presence. This isn't accidental either - it's explicitly described in the script (as a cross with a Gothic cathedral).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.