Jurassic Park 4: 10 Ways To Make It Great

2. Animatronics


It's all about CGI nowadays, isn't it? Cool, yeah? Computers, yeah? And that's presumably because it's far easier for a director to get on with his job if he isn't busy fussing around with robots and puppets and the people who create said robots and puppets. Despite the fact that the original Jurassic Park contains some of the most effectively-utilised and genuinely believable moments of computer generated imagery in the history of cinema, some of its other great moments came from the use of animatronics - that's to say, "robot dinosaurs." It'd be naive to suggest that everything is done with animatronics for Jurassic Park IV, because that just isn't going to happen (nor should it), but I'd love to see the filmmakers bringing back some traditional SFX. Why? Because they're great and have a much better "chemistry" with the actors on screen when they're the actors are forced to stare at green balls on the end of sticks. And given that it's been 20 years since the first movie came out, it'd be wonderful to see just how far animatronics have come. I mean, they're not exactly used much nowadays... and that's a shame. They feel alive in ways that CGI never has (and probably never will).

All-round pop culture obsessive.