Jurassic Park 4: 5 Potential Results Of Hiring Colin Trevorrow

1. The Script Is Great

jurassicpark The final reason behind hiring Trevorrow is possibly the one fans are hoping for €“ the script is so good, it doesn€™t matter who directs! Ultimately, JPIV needs a compelling story with great characters. We need to see something that fascinates and thrills us like the first film. The fact is that if the story is good, most likely the film will be as well. There is a saying, €œYou can€™t make a good film from a bad script.€ While we tend to focus on directors, to be honest with you, the script is the blueprint of the movie. Many directors say that the script is the most important element to nail down along with casting. Also, directors on big budget studio fare can often take a back seat as many of the crew members are the ones who handle all of the nitty, gritty work. Just tell them where to put the camera and yell €œcut!€ According to Oscar-winning Argo, Alan Arkin€™s character says anybody can direct. If that€™s truly the case, the hopes of Jurassic Park fans rest on the shoulders of screenwriters Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa. What are your thoughts on Colin Trevorrow as Jurassic Park IV's director? Let us know in the comments section below.

Anthony Aggimenti has written, produced, and directed short films that have been screened at a variety of film festivals and on television. He is a graduate of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where he received a BFA in Film/TV Production and a minor in Political Science. Anthony is currently working on several feature length screenplays including a crime comedy, sci-fi/horror, and 1940s period piece. He seeks financiers, producers, agents, or others that may make his celluloid dreams a reality. Anthony loves all types of films, current events/politics, and the global game - soccer, football, calcio or whatever you personally call it! You may contact the author via email at aggimentiwriter@aol.com