Jurassic Park 4: 5 Reasons Some Fans Are Bound For Disappointment

3. New Direction Or Old Park

Many fans complain about the lack of originality in the two JP sequels. Certainly, there is a great deal of truth with that claim, especially when you compare the sequels to the original masterpiece. However, what many fans fail to realize (and what I€™m sure JPIV filmmakers dread) is that originality and a new direction is a very sharp, very deadly double edged sword. If you stray too far from the source material, many of the diehard fan boys will be desperately upset and angry. But if you do more of the same, the filmmakers are being repetitive and unoriginal. Believe me, it is a tough choice and very thin line to try and balance. This is the core reason I believe why there has been such hesitation toward making another Jurassic Park. This of course all stems from the lack of Michael Crichton, who is essentially the father of Jurassic Park. While many lavish praise on other individuals for the accomplishment of making Jurassic Park iconic (and probably deservedly so), Crichton€™s contribution to JP was invaluable, essential, and irreplaceable. Simply put, without Crichton €“ there is no Jurassic Park. His genius blending of science fact and fiction, combined with thrills and chills made for an unforgettable novel and an impressive adaptation that achieved something few science fiction pieces have €“ the illusion that THIS COULD HAPPEN. Crichton himself recognized there was little more territory to mine but was compelled by others to write a sequel. I get the feeling deep down, Crichton knew it was going to be impossible to recreate anything on the same plateau as the first film.

Anthony Aggimenti has written, produced, and directed short films that have been screened at a variety of film festivals and on television. He is a graduate of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where he received a BFA in Film/TV Production and a minor in Political Science. Anthony is currently working on several feature length screenplays including a crime comedy, sci-fi/horror, and 1940s period piece. He seeks financiers, producers, agents, or others that may make his celluloid dreams a reality. Anthony loves all types of films, current events/politics, and the global game - soccer, football, calcio or whatever you personally call it! You may contact the author via email at aggimentiwriter@aol.com