Jurassic Park: 8 Unbelievable Differences Between The Book And The Film

1. Ian. Malcolm. Dies.

Ian malcolm jurassic park
Universal Pictures

Fans of Jeff Goldblum, don't go anywhere! There is more than meets the eye with this one...

Dr. Ian Malcolm is by far one of the best characters in the Jurassic Park universe. The rockstar mathematician is largely the same in both the book and film, and fans of either version know just how cool and interesting a character he is. But for the page turners, his story doesn't end so nicely.

As fans know, Malcolm gets attacked by the T-Rex in both versions and gets injured quite badly. He is given medical treatment, but in the book, he doesn't appear to recover very well. Unlike in the film, where he remains helpful and as sarcastic as ever, he becomes delirious and begins ranting and warns everyone of the island's doomed fate.

He looks in bad shape, but then we suddenly stop hearing about him. It is only at the end of the book, when everyone is in the chopper, that it is revealed that Malcolm didn't make it, and no more is said about it. We didn't even get to say goodbye!

But don't worry, that isn't the end of it. While the novel ends with Malcolm dying, it is revealed in the book's sequel - The Lost World - that he actually survived! So, while he technically does die in the first book, fans of the Dr. Ian Malcolm can rest assured that he didn't actually meet his end.

He, like life, found a way.

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Hello! I'm Jordan, a young writer and recent Journalism graduate of the University of Leeds. I love putting pen to paper, especially when it's about movies or videogames!