Jurassic Park Cast: Where Are They Now?

4. Richard Attenborough (John Hammond)

Jurassic Park Cast
Peter Jordan/PA Archive

Richard Attenborough (brother of David) played Dr John Hammond, Jurassic Park's kindly and well-meaning but ultimately misguided founder. In Ian Malcolm's (Jeff Goldblum) words, Hammond "stood on the shoulders of geniuses", taking the science and making it a reality with an attraction he designed to be accessible for all, envisioning a further wonder of the world that would allow humanity to reconnect with some of the most fascinating creatures of the past.

Pity, then, that Hammond not only created an aborted bloodbath in the first film, but paved the way for successive incidents via back-up islands, designed to take over if -- or, really, when -- the original (Isla Nublar) failed. Attenborough starred in the 1997 sequel but Dr Hammond was only mentioned in the third entry, having died in-universe between the two.

Sadly, Attenborough himself passed away in 2014, having starred in very few films since the 1990s -- though this lack of work should not come as a great surprise since he had been gracing screens around the world since 1942. In the intervening years, he was recipient of a number of awards recognising his work in the arts, including Distinguished Honorary Fellows of the University of Leicester in 2006 and an Honorary Doctorate of Drama from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in 2008.


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.