Jurassic World: 10 Big Clues From The New Trailer

2. Chris Pratt Is Brought In To Find The Hybrid

Just as the trailer revealed the hybrid as a primary antagonist, it's also given an eye into the various roles the impressive array of actors will be playing; we now have conformation that Bryce Dallas Howard is a more commercially-minded progression of John Hammond and that Ty Simpkins is a regular park patron. But the real big development regards Chris Pratt's protagonist - so far the only released image teased him as an Indiana Jones/Alan Grant mash-up, but now we know exactly what he's up to. Discarding the lightness of Star Lord to go full-blockbuster, Pratt's character appears to be a specialist called in when the hybrid, a new attraction/scientific advancement at the park, goes awol. The human side of Jurassic Park was essential to the original's success, so it's good to see there's some effort's been put into presenting the characters as more than just bags of dino-chow with limbs.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.