Jurassic World: 10 Big Clues From The New Trailer

1. Domesticated Dinosaurs

The post-title card scene brings us an image no one ever imagined would be committed to film - Andy from Parks And Rec riding a motorcycle alongside a pack of velociraptors. It's an audacious end to the trailer that has provoked much debate - why aren't these apex predators tearing Peter Quill to shreds? The potential answer to that serves as an eye into why there's an over-egged sense of safety at Jurassic World - the dinosaurs have been tamed. In-universe this makes perfect sense - after regular security restrictions failed miserably at containing what are essentially monsters, man came up with a more intelligent solution; subdue their violent instincts. Not just logical, however, from a film-making perspective it's utter genius, giving audiences something they're yet to see in a Jurassic movie. What better way to create terror than from an environment that's presented as totally safe? This would tie nicely into the alluded "dinosaur rights" element - if they're basically animals in a zoo, there's naturally an argument for them to be allowed to live naturally and free. What did you make of the Jurassic World trailer?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.