Jurassic World: 10 Big Clues From The New Trailer

6. Flying Dinosaurs

The shots of a Jurassic theme park filled with patrons immediately conjures up images of Disney World - the early scene of the park's main strip leading up to what appears to be a new visitor centre (lacking a T-Rex size hole) looks like an exact replica of a '50s era publicity still for Walt Disney's ultimate vanity project. But there's more going on in these crowd moments than just Universal targeting their rival's theme park. Near the end of the trailer there's a arial shot of visitors all running away. It initially appears rather innocuous, until you consider how specific the camera's trajectory is - it's almost like its swooping. Which can only mean one thing - there's going to be flying dinosaurs in this movie. Just imagine the sight of a massive beast flying down and picking up helpless humans. Yes, Jurassic Park III had the pteranodon, but it spent most of its time in a cage and looked pretty rubbish. This time get ready for some real shock and terror from above.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.