Jurassic World: 10 Big Clues From The New Trailer

5. The Hybrid's Identity

The biggest reveal from the trailer is what appears to be the film's main narrative thrust. Not perturbed by that horrible outbreak twenty years ago, InGen (assuming that name introduced in the sequels is kept) has continued to push the science of dino-cloning, developing a "genetically modified hybrid". Now that'll bring in the crowds. The escape of this "new dinosaur" appears to be the driving force of the movie, sending the otherwise completely safe park into chaos. And, refreshingly for a modern teaser, in this trailer we don't get to see what it looks like. No doubt elements of this creature will be revealed over the coming months, although there's already a few clues as to what exactly's going on here - the trailer shows what is suggested to be the hybrid's spine and some whopping big claw marks. Back before Jurassic World got off the ground, some concept art for a scrapped Jurassic Park 4 was revealed, showing a human-dinosaur hybrid. The general internet reaction to this was rather negative - you thought talking raptors was cheesy - but could the film-makers have taken a little inspiration from these early ideas? It'd make sense given the secrecy over what exactly it's a hybrid of. That spine could be argued as remotely human, while the fact its surprising that the hybrid escaped over a forty foot wall would imply it's not a T-Rex size behemoth. Speaking of which...

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.