Jurassic World: 10 Reasons It's The Worst Movie In The Franchise

2. The Almighty Sexism

It turns out Joss Whedon was right - Jurassic World really is akin to "'70s-era sexism". The film's gender politics are so backward, you have to wonder what the hell Trevorrow and writing partner Derek Connolly were thinking when they scripted this thing. It's like the pair hadn't even acknowledged the strength of the women in Spielberg's previous Jurassic films - Laura Dern's smart, strong feminist Dr. Ellie Satler or (to a lesser extent) Julianne Moore's resourceful Sarah Harding. And though Jurassic Park III's Amanda Kirby is a poorly written scream machine, even she's not quite as offensive as Bryce Dallas Howard's Claire, a cold-hearted careerist who has no idea about the dinosaurs in her own park. It didn't go unnoticed by certain critics, either, that Chris Pratt's Owen often acts as the saviour to helpless Claire in the film. The sexism doesn't stop there - for Nick Robinson's Zach, women are mere objects, while Claire's assistant Zara, played by Katie McGrath, is just as offensively portrayed as a vapid bimbo that's only present to serve as Mosasaur fodder.

Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1