Jurassic World: 11 Big Questions Fans Still Have

3. Are The Raptors Actually Tame?

There has been a lot of talk about tame velociraptors in this movie (and even some talk of a tame t-rex, but that seems far less likely and there's no evidence to support that idea whatsoever), with Chris Pratt's character Owen said to be responsible for having tamed the franchise's most vicious species. But to what extent, exactly, can a velociraptor be tamed? Will it merely be a case of them recognising him and doing as he tells them from afar? Will he actually be able to pet them and feed them by hand? And will they actually ride alongside him into battle with the hybrid as the trailer would suggest or are they merely running from the same threat? All will be revealed in the movie but, at the moment, it's very hard to imagine a truly tame velociraptor working. Audiences know them as instinctive, vicious killers and the idea of them doing as a human tells them seems farcical.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.