Jurassic World: 9 Crazy Fan Theories (That Just Might Happen)

1. The Big Bad Is An Albino T-Rex / Raptor Hybrid

Dino Hybrid Lego Toabao One of the biggest mysteries surrounding the Jurassic World movie is what exactly the dinosaur hybrid will be. Many fans were concerned earlier this year, after concept art was leaked revealing a dino-human hybrid - which looked more than a little silly. Thankfully, the filmmakers seem to have moved away from that idea, instead keeping the hybrid away from human DNA. Still, even the trailer gave away few clues as to what exactly the hybrid will be, beyond 'pretty damn big'. Many fans now think they have their answer, and it's come from a source you might not expect - Lego. Some images were recently leaked that appear to show off several different models from the Jurassic World Lego sets. The most striking is that of a very large, white dinosaur. At first glance, it 'just' looks like an albino T-Rex, until you notice its arms. From the looks of it, this is a dinosaur with the longer arms and sharp claws of a Raptor, combined with the massive size and strength of a T-Rex. Is there anything more terrifying? What awesome theories have you heard about Jurassic World? Got any of your own? Let us know in the comments below!

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