Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Review - 5 Ups & 7 Downs

3. It Mostly Wastes Human Characters

Benjamin Lockwood Jurassic World

Pretty much all of the new human characters are terrible, because they're written so badly. Rafe Spall does his best to be the latest in a long line of identikit corporate greed-loving baddies; Ted Levine is yet another bad military guy; James Cromwell an infirm Hammond stand-in (who's on screen for mere minutes); Daniella Pineda is a sassy, cooky cliche and poor Justice Smith has to be the geeky computer dweeb who just shouldn't be there at all.

Then add in Toby Jones, who seems to think he's still in The Hunger Games and a painfully underused Jeff Goldblum and there's very little positive to be said for most of the cast. At no point are any of them really set up as anything other than recognisable dino-chow and even the usually solid childe-element (played this time by Isabella Sermon is let down by being sidelined as a victim.

For a while it looks like she might be going to go full Home Alone on an Indoraptor but it ends up just being another dropped ball of potential greatness.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.