Justice League: 10 Huge New Reveals About Zack Snyder's Reshoots 

1. Zack Snyder Has Future Plans For A Sequel (And Darkseid)

Batman Joker Snyder Cut
Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder is clearly looking to the future, and has high hopes for some sort of continuation of this story. Recently, he shared some promo art of Darkseid and a tantalising glimpse of Martian Manhunter, a character who is set to appear in Justice League in some form next year.

In terms of the former, Snyder says he's spoken to voice actor Ray Porter about what comes next for Darkseid, and it seems the filmmaker is plotting...something.

"What happens when Darkseid comes to Earth? Then what? You know, Is that a thing? And I think, listen, the truth is that, did I write and did I have and conceive a complete...do I know what happens when Darkseid...yes. I do know what happens," he revealed. "To say and to speculate about what that is and that that would be exciting, I think that's a fine thing."

It really is difficult to say where Warner Bros. would ever give a sequel the green light, but if it makes an impact to HBO Max's subscriber numbers and Snyder can stick to a budget, it could happen...

Check out the full interviews at Nerd Queens, Beyond The Trailer, and The Film Junkee.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.