Justice League: 10 Must-See New Details About The Film Revealed During Justice Con

7. Superman's Black Suit Was Created With VFX

Justice League Snyder Cut
Warner Bros.

Long before Joss Whedon was appointed the new director of Justice League, fans were desperate to see Superman don his black suit from the comic books when he inevitably rose from the dead. During his panel on Saturday, the clip shared by Zack Snyder showed the Man of Steel meeting with Alfred Pennyworth while wearing that iconic costume.

However, eagle-eyed fans noticed that the scene was otherwise unchanged from the one included on the Justice League Blu-ray, leaving them to wonder whether it was Whedon or Snyder who had changed the colour of Superman's costume. Well, it turns out it was the latter because the studio didn't want the hero to wear anything other than the classic red and blue.

"At the time, the studio said there was no chance because I was arguing for the black suit the entire time and they were like, 'We don't think it's a good idea,'" Snyder explained. "We said we'd shoot the suit the way it was, but we had done little adjustments to the suit that would make it a little easier to dial it and contrast it a little more because we had done some experiments in Photoshop."

"I thought from the beginning it was a great idea because it was the correct evolution for him when he rose from the dead, he'd have the black suit. It just made sense." Now, Snyder is getting his own way, but any scenes featuring the black suit will have been altered with colour correction visual effects.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.