Justice League: 10 New Scenes Zack Snyder's Upcoming Reshoots Could Add

5. The Justice League Battles Darkseid

Justice League Snyder Cut
Warner Bros.

Due to the fact it didn't look like "The Snyder Cut" of Justice League would ever actually see the light of day, Zack Snyder essentially spoiled the movie's ending when he told fans that the final battle ended with Wonder Woman cutting Steppenwolf's head off, and the heroes staring down Darkseid through a Boom Tube.

Now, no matter how many surprises this version delivers, it's going to be somewhat anticlimactic and disappointing if things wrap up exactly like that.

Of course, Snyder's plan was to have the team square off with Darkseid in a sequel, so this week's worth of reshoots could be used to shoot a brief battle with the villain that ends with him being sent packing to Apokolips. It could be mostly CGI (like the Doomsday fight in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), with the actors used only for close-ups after he's defeated.

This would bring some closure to the filmmaker's vision for the DC Extended Universe, and mean there are no dangling plot threads - and Darkseid is a huge one - that's unlikely to ever be further explored.


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