Justice League: 10 Potential Enemies For The Film

1. Darkseid

Without question, there is no bigger threat to the entire universe than Darkseid because he is evil incarnate and a ruthless, cunning, extremely physical foe, often taking a combined effort from Superman and the Justice League to defeat him. Ruling Apokolips with an iron fist, Darkseid is hailed as a god by more than just his home planet and has made repeated attempts to conquer the universe in his quest to obtain the Anti-Life Equation, something which will give him complete control over all life. Darkseid€™s most recent appearance has been in the first arc of the Justice League€™s New 52 line and has made sporadic appearances since in other books, most notably Earth 2 and Batman/Superman. It has since been revealed he has been invading Earths of other universes, killing their heroes in an attempt to search for his daughter and strengthen his army. The Justice League of The New 52 Earth was the only one to defeat him, acting as the catalyst to form the Justice League in the event of threats as dangerous as Darkseid. The only cause for concern with Darkseid€™s appearance is his resemblance to Marvel€™s intergalactic villain Thanos, as they both are world-conquering tyrants and physically similar to each other. Since Marvel has already shown Thanos in The Avengers post-credits scene and are presumably building him up for Avengers 3, much of the mainstream audience, who are unaware of the comics, could potentially be confused between the two villains. Whether or not Darkseid ends up as the primary antagonist in Justice League, his undeniable stature as a DC powerhouse only ensures his eventual attempt to destroy Superman and the League on the big screen.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.