Justice League: 10 Things You Need To Know About Ray Fisher's Battle With Warner Bros.

4. The Cyborg Actor Reveals His Issues With The "Investigation"

Cyborg Justice League
Warner Bros.

Despite being painted in a negative light, Fisher would soon set the record straight by sharing evidence that he had, in fact, spoken to investigators but ended the call because a "witness" was listening in who the actor had not been made aware of beforehand. All of a sudden, it was Warner Bros. that wasn't look quite as credible.

Deciding to hit back at DC Films boss Walter Hamada, Fisher used an Instagram video to let the world know what he'd said in their conversation. "[Hamada's] excuse for the situation with Geoff Johns was, 'Ray, I worked with Geoff on Shazam!, I don't really think he would do that or say that,'" he reflected.

His response? "You weren't there when Geoff Johns contacted me in 2018 - a year and a half after Justice League while I was shooting True Detective - to gloat that there was another Cyborg being used in the DC Universe in a show that he was producing.'" Fisher later added that he now intends to talk more about what happened, not about Justice League, but about his experiences since.

He's done exactly that in the weeks that have followed, and the narrative has shifted to reflect that Fisher isn't the unreliable one here - the studio is.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.