Justice League: 10 Things You Need To Know About Ray Fisher's Battle With Warner Bros.

5. Warner Bros. Launches An Investigation... But Ray Fisher Doesn't Cooperate?

Cyborg Justice League
Warner Bros.

It was finally announced that WarnerMedia (the parent company of Warner Bros.) and the studio had finally launched an investigation into Ray Fisher's claims, but even that didn't placate the seemingly disgruntled Justice League star when he returned to Twitter to reveal a conversation he'd had with DC Films boss Walter Hamada.

"After speaking out about Justice League, I received a phone call from the President of DC Films wherein he attempted to throw Joss Whedon and Jon Berg under the bus in hopes that I would relent on Geoff Johns," Fisher claimed, prompting the studio to issue a lengthy response from Hamada.

It claimed that the actor was in talks with Warner Bros. to reprise the role of Cyborg in The Flash, despite frequently making allegations against the studio on social media. It even went so far as to point out that "Mr. Fisher never alleged any actionable misconduct against him," while also saying he had refused to meet with their independent investigators on a number of occasions.

Suddenly, Fisher was painted as having overreacted and perhaps even exaggerated, leading many to wonder yet again what really went on behind the scenes.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.