Justice League: 10 Ways It Sets Up The Future Of The DCEU

2. The Flash Wants Justice

Justice League Henry Allen
Warner Bros.

One of the film's brief subplots involves Barry Allen trying to get justice for his father Henry, who is in jail for being falsely convicted of murdering his wife and Barry's mother.

At the end of Justice League, Barry has a job working a bottom-rung gig at a crime lab, with the implication being that he's going to slowly work his way up to scoring a legitimate legal job where he can help prove his father's innocence.

Though this is just a small piece of the Justice League's puzzle, it's clearly going to be significantly more fleshed-out in Flashpoint, where fans can probably expect Henry to finally be freed from jail as Barry discovers the means, super-powered or not, to win his case.

This should also give Ezra Miller a bunch more scenes opposite Billy Crudup, and considering how well they played together in Justice League, there's a ton of great dramatic potential here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.