Justice League: 10 Ways Warner Bros. Can Continue The Franchise After The Snyder Cut

9. Adapt The Justice League: Part 2 Script Into A Comic Book

Justice League: The Snyder Cut
Warner Bros.

DC Comics is struggling, and Jim Lee has now been put in charge to get the publisher back on track. Sales are falling, and despite the odd hit here and there, they're trailing way behind Marvel Comics. While the success of the latter's movies no doubt plays a big part in that, the disjointed, poor quality of storytelling from many of DC's biggest titles is a major contributing factor.

However, just like Three Jokers gained mainstream attention and drove up sales, so too could a comic book adaptation of Justice League: Part 2. Released either as a monthly series (with any number of tie-ins focusing on each specific hero) or a graphic novel, this would be a great, low-budget method of continuing this story at minimal cost.

It's believed Justice League: The Snyder Cut will end with the team facing down Darkseid, but with Snyder unable to shoot any additional scenes, there's no way to have them actually battle the villain or explain that big Knightmare plot hole. There's obviously more story to tell, and making it a comic book could work on a number of different levels.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.