Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

15. Sexualising Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Justice League
Warner Bros.

One of the best things about hiring Patty Jenkins to direct Wonder Woman was the removal of any chance of her being reduced to a sex object. It just wasn't part of that movie at all.

But Justice League is different. There is some empowerment in the way Wonder Woman is viewed as being perpetually exasperated at the "children" she has to work with and above their macho posturing, but it sits wildly at odds with some of the lingering shots of her backside that simply wouldn't have been in Wonder Woman at all.

The worst of it is that it suggests that that's how Wonder Woman will be viewed whenever she's handled by male film-makers or when she has to share top billing with male characters. And that's just not right.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.