Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

11. Leaving The Mother Box In A Carpark

Mother Box Justice League
Warner Bros.

It's fairly well established that in order for the drama of a movie to be ramped up for the finale, even the most God-like powerful characters have to see their powers compromised. That's just how escalated narrative tension works, and it's an inevitable part of the process - but there are more artful and subtle ways of achieving it than what happened in Justice League.

In order to escalate things after Superman is revived, the script stupidly has the Justice League suddenly forget that they're in charge of one of the most dangerous artefacts in the known universe that a terrifying villainous God is coming specifically to steal from them. That can be the only reason why they leave the Mother Box unguarded in the middle of a car park for Steppenwolf simply to teleport to and pick up casually.

You know, almost as if he didn't need to kidnap any scientists at all to find it...


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