Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

10. The "Big Gun" Idiocy

Lois Lane Justice League
Warner Bros.

Towards the film's climax, when the other Justice League members bring up the issue of the negative possibilities of bringing Superman back to life (and pointing out that whole thing with Doomsday last time the technology was used), Bruce Wayne reassures them that he has a safety net - the "big gun" he calls it.

That, somewhat poetically, ends up being Lois Lane (perhaps explaining the "she's the key" plot-hole in Batman v Superman) because, somehow, Bruce Wayne knows that the power of love will trump all mysterious science magic that might happen if things go wrong. Because under all of that muscle and gruffness, he's a big old softie.

Wouldn't it have made more sense for Bruce Wayne's contingency to be an actual big gun - or a big chunk of Kryptonite, more appropriately - that would actually weaken Superman? Bringing Lois Lane to the fight on a hunch was just irresponsible.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.