Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

5. Aquaman's Back-Story Is Gone

Aquaman Justice League
Warner Bros

One of the most annoying casualties of the shorter run time of Justice League is Aquaman, who loses almost all of his back-story, aside from his one moody interaction with Meera in Atlantis. That exchange vaguely explains that he doesn't want to be the king, and hints that he's an outsider, and apparently is enough - along with Steppenwolf stealing the Mother Box - to inspire his heroic turn.

In the original script, we were supposed to get much more of Aquaman, including him meeting Willem Dafoe's Nuidis Vulko and visiting a statue of his father, where he would find inspiration to take on his destiny. In other words, it would have been a lot better, which is probably why it was all so visible in the marketing pre-release.

To then have it cut just makes the reshoots and change of direction all the more distractingly obvious.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.