Justice League: 9 Biggest Mistakes It's Already Made

5. Revealing Superman's Resurrection

Justice League Jokes
Warner Bros.

The return of Superman is going to be a Doomsday-sized elephant in the room until it eventually happens in Justice League.

We all know it's coming. They confirmed as much when the dirt on his coffin lid appeared to levitate at the end of Batman v Superman; so we're just going to have to sit tight in the cinema and wait for this matter to be resolved.

Granted, this is more Batman v Superman's mistake than Justice League's, yet it represents a missed opportunity for the series as a whole.

It would have taken some doing in an age of online leaks and IMDB, but Superman's return should have been kept under wraps.

Though it was always inevitable, we would have forgiven Warner Bros for duping us into thinking his resurrection was being saved for Man of Steel 2, only for Supes to unexpectedly show up in Justice League.

No only does prior knowledge of Henry Cavill's involvement in the project deny the audience a potential surprise, it all but rules out a cinematic adaptation of a fan-favourite '90s comic book storyline - The Return of Superman.


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