Justice League: 9 Biggest Mistakes It's Already Made

4. Handing The Reins To Zack Snyder Too Soon

Justice League Jokes
Norte Photo/Corbis

Zack Snyder's passion for comic books is not in question, but his track record at turning them into films is.

It's fair to say none of his DC Comics adaptations have been a resounding success - Man of Steel raked in a boatload of bucks, but the film divided critics, and Batman v Superman was widely panned.

Snyder also had some creative input in David Ayer's Suicide Squad, which stank up Rotten Tomatoes with a 25% rating.

Had Warner known how these movies would fare, it's entirely possible they would have sought a different mastermind for Justice League, but a deal was in place to have Snyder oversee the project before Batman v Superman had even hit theatres.

Wonder Woman has been the DC cinematic universe's sole saving grace so far, hitting all the right notes critically and commercially; so doesn't that suggest Patty Jenkins should have had a hand in shaping Justice League?


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