Justice League: Every Character Confirmed So Far

14. Alfred Pennyworth

Jeremy Irons Alfred
Warner Bros.

Confirmed By: Jeremy Irons, in an interview with Variety where he admitted he wasn't going to be heavily involved:

“Of course, Ben’s going to make a Batman film next summer. He promises me there’s going to be a bit more of Alfred in that. In the Justice League we have seven major lead characters and I’m the butler to one of them. It’s clear I will not be dominating that film.”

Plot Prediction:

Wherever there is Batman, there is Alfred. But as Irons himself conceded, he's hardly likely to play anything like a real supporting role in the film. He'll just be there for similar support to what he offered in Batman v Superman (as well as more acerbic wit, presumably).

Expect to see him early on before Batman heads off to build the team - possibly to pop up around the recruitment of The Flash, as he offers a parallel between him and Bruce Wayne when Bruce rails against the youngster's cockiness or something.


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