5. Death of Superman (Various)
Alright, alright; Death of Superman isn't
technically a Justice League story although it does feature several appearances from some of the more minor Leaguers and of course had a huge knock-on effect for the rest of the DC Universe in the months that followed. True, there's valid argument to the opinion that the Death of Superman arc changed comics for the worse, forever making it totally fine for lazy comic book writers to kill off heroes for a cheap emotional response, only to bring them back at a later date with some clumsily convenient 'get out of jail free' plot device. However, all that came with The Return of Superman. The
Death itself was actually one of the most earth-shattering events in the history of comic books. Essentially, what you're looking at here is one huge, nation-spanning fight between Doomsday - an unstoppable monster hidden in the bowels of the Earth itself - and Superman, who is the only available hero even remotely capable of going toe to toe with the Doomsday for more than a few seconds. And obviously even he is overwhelmed in the end (the clue's in the name). If you're after an insane, carnage-centred punch-fest along similar lines to the Avengers, look no further than Death of Superman, which, from start to finish, is about as insane and carnage-fueled as DC gets, which is saying something.