Justice League Movie: 8 Actors Who Must Be Cast

2. Idris Elba As The Martian Manhunter


Now, I am just going to be straight, I am only familiar with this character due to his appearance on Smallville and the Justice League cartoon. I know he is a key member of the League, but I do not see him getting his own movie anytime soon, unless someone is about to throw a serious curve-ball. However, I do think Martian Manhunter is going to be like the Nick Fury of the DC Cinematic Universe, and Idris Elba has been my pick for him for ages now. Anyone who has seen Elba in anything, knows the man is an incredible actor and effortlessly exudes that leadership vibe about him. His poise and presence in Luther lends itself perfectly to Martian Manhunter, and his vocal performances are likely to allow him to get over the necessary CGI involved in his character without losing his personality. He is no stranger to playing in superhero movies, having starred as Heimdall in Thor (we won't mention Ghost Rider 2), but Elba is too talented an actor to just be given a supporting role, give him the role he deserves. However, if Elba isn't cast, Peter Mensah would be fine, as long as Idris Elba were to play Jon Stewart. And now for the pick of the evil god Darkseid....

Just a regular, everyday guy who loves to write and have his work published. Long time fan of DC and Marvel comics and loves nothing more than to see his fave characters adapted on screen.