Justice League Movie Recast: 10 Fantasy Castings
We won't have Batfleck forever if Justice League bombs...

It’s a sad fact that many comic book fans, even the hardcore DC crowd, have resigned themselves to the fact that the Justice League movie won’t be as good as they want it to be.
At this point it’s not longer that crazy an idea. The three DC films that have been released have made plenty of cash but have been critical disasters.
So what if it does bomb? And not in the ‘it didn’t quite make 2.5x what it costs to make’ way. What if Justice League bombs so hard it takes down everyone involved down with it. As big as Warner Bros are I can’t imagine them betting the success of their next ten summer blockbusters on a series of films that people unequivocally don’t want to see.
Let’s play pretend and say that Warner Bros gives it five years and starts again. Who would be cast in the Justice League Rebooted?
10. Ryan Gosling As Green Arrow

Who do you cast as the DC universe’s Tony Stark? Someone who can brood the hell out of a scene but turn that on his head the minute a pretty girl walks by.
Ryan Gosling can do hilarious and upbeat as the recent La La Land proved. He’s a likeable guy who has no problem playing to a crowd, even if it means upstaging people like Bruce Wayne. Who wouldn’t want to see those two try and out ‘party boy’ each other. But on the flip side Ryan Gosling is equally well equipped at playing brutal. Just watch any film he’s been in directed by Nicolas Winding Refn.
Give that man a mask and a bow and watch him light up as a supporting member of the Justice League. The New 52 Justice League had a whole side plot of Green Arrow trying and failing to join by thwarting a whole series of high profile crimes. There’s a side plot right there.