Justice League Movie Recast: 10 Fantasy Castings

1. Angelina Jolie As Wonder Woman

Josh Brolin Batman

Oh boy do we need a Wonder Woman who can kick ass but also play a princess struggling with the pressure of her position. Basically an entire Game of Thrones episode in one person.

To play that you need someone who can do elegant and huge CGI fight set pieces within a scene of each other. Not only is Jolie well versed in playing complex female characters but she has proven herself capable of giving those performances while working with CGI characters and situations. In short, you can imagine her falling for Superman just as much as you can imagine her stepping on Darkseid’s neck.

I also think bringing Jolie into the DC world might give it the part the weight it deserves. Wonder Woman is to the Justice League what Thor is to the Avengers; a slightly otherworldly presence that’s a warrior at heart. Jolie could do that in her sleep.


80% David Brent / 20% Def Jam. Does whatever a spider can.