Justice League: The Snyder Cut - What The Cast And Crew Have Said About It

4. Ray Fisher: "The Snyder Cut Does Exist"

Justice League Snyder Cut Jason Momoa Aquaman
Warner Bros.

From everything we've heard about Snyder's original vision for Justice League, it sounds like poor Ray Fisher was affected by the reshoots the most.

In Whedon's theatrical cut, tons of Fisher's Cyborg scenes were removed, including fight sequences, flashbacks, and a scene where he's reunited with his dead family.

But rather than being bitter about this whole situation and slamming the filmmakers and the studio, Fisher has instead remained positive, voicing his support for the Snyder Cut on several occasions.

In summer 2019, Fisher appeared at the Celebrity Fan Fest in San Antonio, Texas, where he mentioned that he would "absolutely" release the Snyder Cut if he had the power to do so.

Then, in April 2020, Fisher appeared on a Twitch stream, where he discussed the Snyder Cut even further. As reported by ComicBook.com, he said that he hadn't actually seen the Snyder Cut at that point, but remained hopeful that he'd get to see it in the future:

"Timing-wise, I don’t think things have really worked out. There was one point in time where I was supposed to watch it, but some stuff came up and unfortunately it was not an option for me. Who knows? I might see it soon."

In that same stream, he also said that the Snyder Cut is real, and only trolls believe that it doesn't exist.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.