Justice League Trailer Reactions: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Superman Is Distracting, Even When He's Not Here

Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice
Warner Bros.

Sometimes, trailers say more by what is missing from them than what is included, and that's very much the case here. We all know that Superman is coming back thanks to the stinger on Batman v Superman, but his absence from this trailer was conspicuous to the point of distraction.

That's not to say that we should have seen him in his full (rumoured) black costume, looking like he's been to the dark side, by the way. This was a very early trailer and revealing that would be robbing the marketing campaign of one of its most valuable revelations, but shouldn't there have been a tiny tease at the very least?

All it needed was another shot of the dirt on his coffin moving, or something indirect and fans would have exploded with joy. Instead, what we got was a shoe-horned in appearance by Amy Adams' Lois Lane trying to achieve the same effect, which was not as successful as it should have been.


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