Kevin Bacon: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Jimmy The Brit - Elephant White

Elephant White is a little seen action film where Bacon plays a sleazy arms dealer who helps a mercenary take down a sex trafficking ring; a premise that€™s about as fun as it sounds. He probably took the role as an excuse to visit Thailand for a holiday, because there€™s not much about the character that could have been appealing. It€™s also a good thing the character is called Jimmy the Brit, as it would otherwise be impossible for people to know what accent he€™s attempting. It€™s a weird mix of cockney and... Norwegian, maybe? Nobody knows. Bacon himself looks bored by the whole affair, so he just goes through the motions for most of his scenes. When his character has an attack of conscience about his business near the end, it feels like a move dictated by the script instead of an organic development of his character. If he'd put a little more effort into it, he might have made his character's change of heart feel more natural. What are some of your favourite Kevin Bacon performances? And what Bacon number are you? Share your thoughts in the comments tread.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.